Defense & Security
Find out how we can support you in these markets.

Design and production of metal assemblies
KEP Technologies, through its KEP METAL SOLUTIONS brand, offers the largest prime contractors in the Defense sector its know-how for the design and manufacture of technical parts and assemblies, while integrating a wide range of metalworking technologies.
These are particularly critical parts and assemblies with extremely tight manufacturing tolerances: such as drifts for combat aircraft, radar supports and components,fighter aircraft tow bar, missile carriers, missile caps and components, parts for optronic applications, casings for countermeasure projectiles, mortar-type launchers and control consoles.

Nuclear Material Inventory
We develop different systems, based on calorimetric measurement, for the non-destructive inventory and characterization of nuclear materials. We provide calorimeters for different container-types. Several of our systems are installed in France, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Inner and outer diameter control
The efficiency and resistance to aging of many mechanical systems depends on the accuracy of fit between the internal and external diameters of their parts. For example a piston sliding in a cylinder or a shell sliding in the barrel of a gun. Our versatile solutions use tactile or non-contact sensors. They are adapted to many different control conditions (complex parts, high speeds, etc.).

Characterization of energetic materials
Setaram’s material characterization solutions are used in most of the major research centers in this sector (CEA, DGA, etc.). In particular, calorimeters are essential for stability studies of powders, pyrotechnic products or explosive products to optimize ammunition storage

Conveying, automatic storage
We develop automated handling, conveying and storage systems for production lines, which are adapted to customer requirements. Our expertise enables us to offer solutions for the handling and storage of heavy, critical parts, including high bay storage.

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