The Brands of the KEP Technologies Group
Our business is organized around four activities and brands.

KEP METAL SOLUTIONS – Design and production of metal assemblies
At KEP METAL SOLUTIONS we partner with major OEMs in the aeronautics, defense and security, transport and luxury industries in the design and production of high value-added metal parts and assemblies. Our expertise allows us to satisfy our customers’ needs by integrating a wide range of metalworking technologies and applying in-depth project management. We manage projects from design to mass production, including qualification and supply chain management, to meet all customer requirements for quality, cost and lead time.

SETARAM – Material characterization
For over 70 years Setaram has delivered innovation, excellence and unique accuracy in the field of instrumentation for material characterization. For Thermal Analysis, Calorimetry, Gas or Vapor Sorption, Setaram’s standard and customized solutions offer unparalleled Experimental Control, Instrument Versatility and Quality Results across a broad range of measurement techniques. These are three key benefits that help ensure our instruments not only meet customers’ current needs but can meet their future needs too.

SETSMART – Industrial control
Driven by Industry 4.0, Setsmart is a recognized supplier of standard and customized automated industrial control solutions. Implemented with end-to-end project management, Setsmart solutions have improved the profitability and manufacturing efficiency within many major clients across diverse industrial sectors. Our experts in dimensional control and inspection technologies, in robotization, engineering, electronics, artificial intelligence and software, study and optimise all manner of production challenges, resulting in tangible customer benefits with strong return on investment.

SETSAFE – Nuclear measurement
Setsafe offers a broad range of instrument, consultancy, engineering and software solutions for accurate nuclear measurement. With over 70 years of measurement experience we fully project manage standard and customized solutions to meet all operational and safety needs. Our cross-industry credentials and relevant expertise in measurements related to nuclear fuel fabrication, nuclear reprocessing and decommissioning, radioactive waste storage and transportation, special nuclear material control and accounting, and regulatory compliance and safety, places us in an excellent position to address a broad range of nuclear projects.

Want to know more ?
You can visit the websites dedicated to our brands to learn more or contact us.