Achievements in Industry

Automation of a production line
KEP Technologies studied and manufactured a complete and fully automated production island for a major automotive equipment manufacturer.
In this island, covering an area of more than 100 m2, all operations necessary for the overmoulding of the case were integrated and automated along a linear and modular pallet transfer line :
- Folding, cutting, loosening of alloy strips to turn them into tabs
- Robotic placement of the tabs onto pallet transport, and their transfer to two other robots
- Removal of these tabs in the mould of the overmoulding press followed by the recovery of two previously overmoulded housings
- Routing of boxes to electrical control
- Electrical contro
- Datamatrix type marking to record batch numbert press tooling number, transfer pallet number, press mould number and the result of the electrical conformity check onto the part.
- Routing to an unloading station and on to immediate storage for the housings
Conveying, automatic storage
KEP Technologies develop automated handling, conveying and storage systems for production lines, and which are fully adapted to customer requirements. Our expertise enables us to offer solutions for the handling and storage of heavy, critical parts, including high bay storage.
Integration of multi-brand robots and cobots in different industrial installations
KEP Technologies work with the main suppliers of robots and cobots. We develop the tools and peripherals that will be integrated into the robotic production cells: assembly, handling, gripping, palletization etc, We integrate polyarticulated robots for quality control: dimensions, surface finishes, assembly control……
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